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AI Code for Invasion Force - an Explore/Conquer Strategic Wargame
Copyright (C) 1996 Brannen Hough
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
/* Prototypes for functions defined in
cyber_xxxx.c files
**** Externs ****
extern int AIDataFlag;
extern struct GovHist H;
extern struct rtHandlerInfo *AIhandle;
extern int NewGov;
extern int NewUnit;
extern struct GovReqs LastReq;
extern struct MinList GovList;
extern char outbuf[];
extern int *MoveMap;
extern enum Direction DirArray[8][6];
extern char DirString[6][10];
extern char ModeString[9][15];
extern char UnitString[13][15];
extern struct MinList OpenList;
extern struct MinList DoneList;
extern int *PathMap;
extern int PathMapX;
extern int PathMapY;
// This must be longer than the furthest an aircraft can reach
#define MAX_PATH 25
extern int Path[MAX_PATH];
//extern int PathDiv;
extern int PathLength;
extern int PathCost;
**** Defines ****
/* Do we show AI messages? Uncomment this if desired */
//#define SHOW_AI_MSG 1
/* How many characters we'll need for governor names */
#define GOV_NAME_LEN 8
/* The number of requests that will be collected. Ones
in excess of this number will be culled down
by priority. Only one request will be selected
when all are in.
#define MAX_GOV_REQS 20
/* Superceded, no longer used */
#define GOVERNOR_AREA 10
/* How far out (in x and y) we will scout in EXPLORE mode
As and experiment, I'm changing this to 4. At 4,
we will have a 15 move search triangle instead of
17, so will go from 4 turns per leg to 3 per leg.
See if this holds up. Lose coverage of 46 hexes
on the four legs - from 151 to 105 (?).
#define GOVERNOR_RADIUS 4 /* Was 5 */
/* The bounds of the larger area of interest for a Governor.
Outside this area, Governors don't keep track of
what is going on.
/* This next is how far the fighter can reach on a full tank */
#define FIGHTER_REACH 20
/* This is how long a list of unit type preferences we can
make. Should stay more than we need, especially
since there are only 13 types in the game right now.
#define MAX_PREFS 10
/* This next is the bonus percentage for selection given to
a unit type that is already in production
/* Used to break out of loops, large compare value for initial
"get the smallest" searches, etc.
#define BIG_NUMBER 30000
/* Mirror the ones in game_play.c */
#define UNIT_DONE 3
#define UNIT_LOST 4
#define INVISIBLE 0
#define VISIBLE 1
/* One for the gov_find_distance function */
#define ENEMY 1
#define FRIENDLY 0
/* No tokens for these orders. For computer player only.
Hope noone objects!
#define C_ORDER_RANDOM 101 /* For just wandering around for a while */
#define C_ORDER_PATH_TO 102 /* For when a GOTO fails and we need to
seek out an indirect path to goal */
#define C_ORDER_PATROL 103 /* Human players may want this too */
#define C_ORDER_CIRCLE 104
#define C_ORDER_GOTO 105
#define C_ORDER_HEADTO 106 /* We need this as a stopgap */
#define C_ORDER_SENTRY 107
#define C_ORDER_LOAD 108
#define C_ORDER_UNLOAD 109
#define C_ORDER_FORTIFY 110
#define C_ORDER_3_PT_GO 111 /* Point A to Point B to home */
#define C_ORDER_OUT_RET 112 /* Point A to home */
#define C_ORDER_HOME 113 /* Go home */
#define C_ORDER_STORAGE 114
#define C_ORDER_HUNT 115
#define C_ORDER_RECON 116
#define AI5_PATH_EXISTS ((Path[0] != -1))
#define AI5_PATH_BEST 1
#define AI5_PATH_GOOD 4
#define AI5_PATH_FAST 7
#define AI5_PATH_FASTEST 10
#define MAX_PATH 25
/* This one is for debugging the computer player */
#ifdef SHOW_AI_MSG
#define DEBUG_AI(string) if (!rtEZRequestTags(string,"Continue|Abort", \
{ if (AIhandle != NULL) unpost_it(AIhandle); AIhandle = NULL; \
clean_exit(0, NULL); }
#ifndef SHOW_AI_MSG
#define DEBUG_AI(string)
**** Definitions ***
/* Let's make these values different, so I have a chance to tell if
something is wrong
#define GOV_TYPE_BASE 201
enum GovType {
/* Let's make these values different, so I have a chance to tell if
something is wrong
#define GOV_MODE_BASE 301
enum GovMode {
/* This is used for Governors requests - this records the unit types
that it wants to build and the priority it places on each one.
A random number from 1 to 100 is rolled and the prefs are gone
through in order until a type is selected - each one is associated
with a number and all the types listed will equal 100 or more.
For example, if we want a 70% chance to request a RIFLE and a
30% chance for a FIGHTER, we would set the structure to
type[0] = RIFLE, type[1] = FIGHTER, priority[0] = 70,
priority[1] = 30
struct GovPrefs {
short type[MAX_PREFS];
short priority[MAX_PREFS];
struct GovReqs {
int type;
int req_gov;
int priority;
/* Used to make decisions about what to do. (48 ints per governor is a lot
since we have one governor for each city. We'll see how the memory
usage works out. Shorts should work fine.) Only 13 values are used
currently for units - with 11 being a militia (brought into existance
to defend a city from direct attack only) and 12 for cities.
But I'll leave both at 16 for growth. */
struct GovHist {
unsigned short int TotalCities;
unsigned short int TotalMyCities;
unsigned short int TotalMyUnits;
unsigned short int TotalEUnits;
unsigned short int TerrainCounts[16];
unsigned short int UnitCounts[16];
unsigned short int EnemyCounts[16];
/* This structure contains the data needed for the Governors, which
will control and fight the computer's units. The relevant
data is the type - City or Carrier, what mode it is in -
attacking, defending, exploring, supporting, etc. For cities,
the requests on hand from the top 20 (or whatever) governors. */
struct GovNode {
struct MinNode gnode; // must stay the first item
enum GovType type; // must stay the second item - fix SaveAIPlayers
// if either one is changed.
enum GovMode mode;
unsigned char flags; /* Eight flags to be defined after
this declaration. */
short owner; /* Added to take governors to list entities */
short x; /* The X and Y of the city's or unit's location */
short y;
short targx;
short targy; /* Target of the governor's attention when
applicable */
short searchx;
short searchy; /* Where the Governor is searching to now */
short startx;
short starty;
short endx;
short endy; /* Contain the coordinates of the area of
interest of the governor */
short Estartx;
short Estarty;
short Eendx;
short Eendy; /* Extended are of interest for the governor */
int ID; /* name of the governor - used to tell the
units apart. Use more than we'll need. */
struct GovHist hist; /* Histogram of terrain for this governor -
how much is unknown, land, water, etc. - also how many
enemy sightings there are and friendly units. Good for
recovering from a restore as the data does not have
to be saved, just regenerated. */
struct GovReqs req; /* The current request that is being built
Of course, only meaningful for city governors. */
#define IsModeChange(gov) (gov->flags & 0x01)
#define SetModeChange(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags | 0x01)
#define ClearModeChange(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags & 0xFE)
#define IsNeutralCity(gov) (gov->flags & 0x02)
#define SetNeutralCity(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags | 0x02)
#define ClearNeutralCity(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags & 0xFD)
#define IsCityTaken(gov) (gov->flags & 0x04)
#define SetCityTaken(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags | 0x04)
#define ClearCityTaken(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags & 0xFB)
#define IsSearchDone(gov) (gov->flags & 0x08)
#define SetSearchDone(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags | 0x08)
#define ClearSearchDone(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags & 0xF7)
#define IsCityThreatened(gov) (gov->flags & 0x10)
#define SetCityThreatened(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags | 0x10)
#define ClearCityThreatened(gov) (gov->flags = gov->flags & 0xF7)
struct HexReport {
int TotalEUnits;
int TotalMyUnits;
int AtRisk;
int CanAttack;
int Gain;
int Risk;
int Odds;
struct PathNode {
struct MinNode pnode;
short x;
short y;
long cost;
long eta;
**** Prototypes ****
/* Interface and Cleanup */
void set_automated_production (struct City *);
void cleanup_computer (void);
int do_computer_city_production(void);
void make_new_unit(struct City*);
void computer_player_moves (void);
int SaveAIPlayers( BPTR, char* );
int LoadAIPlayers( BPTR, char* );
**** Cyber #1 Protos ****
struct GovNode* AI1_locate_gov( struct City* );
struct GovNode* AI1_add_gov( struct City* );
void AI1_set_gov_prod (struct City*, struct GovNode*);
void AI1_play_turn ( int );
void AI1_setup_area_of_interest( struct GovNode* );
void AI1_do_all_histograms(void);
void AI1_do_one_histogram( struct GovNode* );
void AI1_give_orders(void);
int AI1_do_unit_actions(void);
struct GovNode* AI1_FindOwner( struct Unit* );
void AI1_computer_give_orders(struct Unit*, int, short, short,short,short,int);
void AI1_execute_standing_order( struct Unit* );
int AI1_look_around( struct Unit* );
int AI1_calc_dir (enum Direction , short, short, short*, short*);
int AI1_command_headto( struct Unit* );
void AI1_command_random( struct Unit* );
void AI1_set_gov_mode( struct GovNode* );
void AI1_clear_all_orders( struct GovNode* );
int New_AI1_do_unit_actions(void);
int New_AI1_look_around( struct Unit* );
void New_AI1_play_turn ( int );
void New_AI1_give_orders(void);
void New_AI1_execute_standing_order( struct Unit* );
**** Cyber #2 Protos ****
void AI2_set_gov_prod (struct City*, struct GovNode*);
void AI2_get_gov_req (struct GovNode*, struct City* );
int AI2_calc_distance (short, short, short, short );
void AI2_play_turn (int);
struct GovNode* AI2_locate_gov( struct City* );
void AI2_setup_area_of_interest( struct GovNode* );
void AI2_do_all_histograms( void );
void AI2_set_gov_mode( struct GovNode* );
void AI2_give_orders(void);
int AI2_do_unit_actions(void);
void AI2_computer_give_orders(struct Unit*, int, short, short,
short, short, int);
struct MapIcon* AI2_FindClosestEnemyUnit( short, short, int );
int AI2_look_around( struct Unit* );
void AI2_execute_standing_order( struct Unit* );
int AI2_command_hunt( struct Unit* );
**** Cyber #3 Protos ****
void AI3_set_gov_prod( struct City*, struct GovNode* );
void AI3_get_gov_req( struct GovNode*, struct City* );
void AI3_setup_area_of_interest( struct GovNode*, int, int );
int AI3_calc_path( short, short, short, short, short, int, int);
int AI3_calc_access( short, short, short, short, short);
void AI3_play_turn (int);
struct GovNode* AI3_locate_gov( struct City* );
void AI3_do_all_histograms( void );
void AI3_set_gov_mode( struct GovNode* );
void AI3_give_orders(void);
void AI3_taken_orders( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
void AI3_defend_orders( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
void AI3_search_orders( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
void AI3_default_orders( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
int AI3_do_unit_actions(void);
void AI3_computer_give_orders(struct Unit*, int, short, short,
short, short, int);
void AI3_select_recon_hex( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
int AI3_look_around( struct Unit* );
void AI3_execute_standing_order( struct Unit* );
struct GovNode* AI3_add_gov( struct City* );
struct GovNode* AI3_FindClosestCityGov( struct Unit*, int );
struct MapIcon* AI3_FindClosestEnemyCity( struct Unit*, int );
int AI3_command_recon( struct Unit* );
void AI3_command_random( struct Unit* );
int AI3_AssertUnit( struct Unit* );
void AI3_Ad_Lib( struct Unit* );
void AI3_orders_for_unit(struct Unit*);
**** Cyber #4 Protos ***
void AI4_set_gov_prod( struct City*, struct GovNode* );
void AI4_get_gov_req( struct GovNode*, struct City* );
struct GovNode* AI4_locate_gov( struct City* );
void AI4_set_gov_mode( struct GovNode* );
void AI4_play_turn (int);
int AI4_do_unit_actions(void);
int AI4_look_around( struct Unit* );
void AI4_execute_standing_order( struct Unit* );
int AI4_command_goto( struct Unit* );
void AI4_give_orders(void);
void AI4_taken_orders( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
void AI4_defend_orders( struct Unit*, struct GovNode* );
void AI4_computer_give_orders(struct Unit*, int, short, short,
short, short, int);
int AI4_command_walk_coastline(struct Unit*);
void AI4_orders_for_unit(struct Unit*);
**** Cyber #5 Protos ***
void AI5_CalcPath(short, short, short, short, short, int);
long AI5_GetCost( short, short);
long AI5_GetDist( short, short, short, short);
void AI5_OpenListInsertSorted( struct PathNode* );
struct PathNode* AI5_OpenListGetBest(void);
void AI5_set_gov_prod( struct City*, struct GovNode* );
void AI5_get_gov_req( struct GovNode*, struct City*, enum GovType );
void AI5_set_gov_mode( struct GovNode* );
struct Unit* AI5_LocateUnit( struct GovNode* );
int AI5_select_from_prefs( struct GovPrefs*, short );
int AI5_recommend_action( struct Unit*, int, int );
void AI5_evaluate_hex( struct Unit*, short, short, struct HexReport* );
int AI5_unit_value ( short );
int AI5_evaluate_odds ( struct Unit*, short, short, short, int );
void AI5_get_city_req( struct GovNode*, struct City*,enum GovType );
void AI5_get_island_req( struct GovNode*, struct City*, enum GovType );
void AI5_get_transport_req( struct GovNode*, struct City*, enum GovType );
void AI5_get_carrier_req( struct GovNode*, struct City*, enum GovType );
void AI5_get_battleship_req( struct GovNode*, struct City*, enum GovType );
void AI5_play_turn ( int);
void AI5_do_all_histograms( void );
void AI5_give_orders( void );
void AI5_default_orders( struct Unit* );
void AI5_city_orders( struct GovNode*, struct Unit* );
void AI5_port_orders( struct GovNode*, struct Unit* );
void AI5_island_orders( struct GovNode*, struct Unit* );
void AI5_transport_orders( struct GovNode*, struct Unit* );
void AI5_carrier_orders( struct GovNode*, struct Unit* );
void AI5_battleship_orders( struct GovNode*, struct Unit* );
int AI5_do_unit_actions( void );
int AI5_can_attack( short, short, short, short );
void AI5_command_goto( struct Unit* unit );
double AI5_CalcWinOdds( double, int, int, int, int, double );
double AI5_CalcOddsAdjust( int );
//*** Cyber Orders Protos **
int DoUnitActions( int, int );
void ExecuteStandingOrder( struct Unit* );
void CommandGoto( struct Unit* );
void CommandRandom( struct Unit* );
void CommandHunt( struct Unit* );
struct MapIcon* FindClosestEnemyIcon( struct Unit*, int );
void CommandRecon( struct Unit* );
void CommandWalkCoastline( struct Unit* );
void ComputerGiveOrders(struct Unit*, int, short, short,
short, short, int);
void AIAddLib( struct Unit* );